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  • Writer's pictureDustin Neal

Why Roofing Companies Should Collect Deductibles for Insurance Claims.

When it comes to roofing projects, particularly those involving insurance claims, the matter of collecting deductibles often arises. It's crucial for roofers to understand why collecting deductibles is not only important but also legally necessary and beneficial for the industry as a whole. Here's a detailed look at why roofers should always collect deductibles for insurance claims.

1. Legal Compliance

Why It's the Law

Collecting deductibles is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. When homeowners file an insurance claim for roof damage, they are required by their insurance policy to pay a deductible. This deductible is a portion of the repair cost that the homeowner must cover out of pocket before the insurance company pays the remaining amount.

Consequences of Not Collecting Deductibles

If a roofer waives the deductible, it constitutes insurance fraud. This act of fraud can have severe legal repercussions for both the roofer and the homeowner, including hefty fines and potential jail time. Roofers who engage in this practice risk losing their licenses, facing lawsuits, and damaging their reputations.

2. Financial Integrity and Transparency

Ensuring Accurate Job Costs

Collecting deductibles ensures that the job's total cost is accurately reflected. When deductibles are waived, it often leads to inflated project costs to compensate for the waived amount, which can distort financial records and lead to mistrust.

Transparency with Clients

By collecting deductibles, roofers maintain transparency with their clients. Homeowners are fully aware of their financial obligations and the true cost of the project. This transparency fosters trust and sets clear expectations from the outset.

3. Industry Standards and Ethics

Promoting Fair Competition

When all roofers adhere to the practice of collecting deductibles, it promotes a level playing field within the industry. Roofers who waive deductibles gain an unfair competitive advantage, leading to unethical business practices and a race to the bottom in terms of quality and pricing.

Upholding Professional Standards

Collecting deductibles is a mark of professionalism and ethical business conduct. It demonstrates that a roofer is committed to following the rules and providing honest services. This commitment helps elevate the overall standards of the roofing industry.

4. Enhancing Customer Relationships

Building Trust

Customers are more likely to trust and respect roofers who follow the law and industry best practices. By insisting on collecting deductibles, roofers show that they are trustworthy and dependable, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Educating Homeowners

Many homeowners are unaware of the importance of paying deductibles. Roofers can use this opportunity to educate their clients about the role of deductibles in insurance claims and the potential risks of fraud. Educated customers are more likely to appreciate the roofer's honesty and integrity.

5. Long-Term Benefits for the Industry

Reducing Fraud

When roofers collectively adhere to the practice of collecting deductibles, it helps reduce instances of insurance fraud. Lower fraud rates lead to more stable and fair insurance premiums for homeowners and a healthier market environment.

Strengthening the Industry's Reputation

An industry known for ethical practices and compliance with the law is more likely to be respected by both consumers and regulatory bodies. This respect can translate into better business opportunities and a more robust market for roofing professionals.


Collecting deductibles for insurance claims is not just a legal requirement; it's a practice that upholds the integrity and professionalism of the roofing industry. By ensuring financial transparency, promoting fair competition, building trust with customers, and reducing fraud, roofers contribute to a healthier and more reputable industry. Embracing this practice benefits not only individual roofers but also the industry as a whole, paving the way for sustainable growth and trust in roofing services.

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